Dear Feminist for Life,
Q. Who would decide to attack FFL President Serrin Foster for advocating women’s
resources and support for the most vulnerable?
Who would spend their time organizing to argue women’s history when they haven’t
done their research?
A. Abortion advocates (many of whom didn’t even appear to be students) who descended
on Serrin’s speech at Seattle University. She knew they were coming. And she didn’t
back down. Nor did the courageous students who hosted Serrin.
Read on….
But bigger questions remain.
Q. Who makes events like this and the 19th annual FFL Pregnancy Resource ForumSM
at Georgetown University possible, as well as other events across the country?
Who funds our kits to educate students and lawmakers with “Pro-Woman Answers to
Pro-Choice QuestionTM”?
Who made it possible for our staff to reach more than a million people during our
“Birthmothers Deserve Better” series during Adoption Awareness Month in November
and our Women’s History series during March; to lead a national discussion on shaming
large families, birthmothers, victims of sexual assault; and to promote solutions
for poor and struggling families?
A. You do. And I do. It’s your smart and strategic support that fuels our work.
Last year FFL distributed materials and held events from coast to coast. This year
is no different. But something has changed. Abortion advocates have targeted FFL.
I consider it affirmation of our work. I hope you do too.
Perhaps we don’t tell you enough that your support has fueled a change in attitude
among the next generation. Perhaps we haven’t expressed how much we need you, and
how urgently we need your support.
Please, don’t take us for granted.
If you haven’t made your year-end gift I encourage you to do it now. Your tax-deductible
gift will be doubled by FFL’s Board of Directors [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001zAvU4SzJejgRjge9ZnH5KUa8yE1yh4SlQ8ed_Ka_o3W6qmlN-ic8nvQQThJIm3Dd8p5h3A5tPIlIAdjbR8UfrRyytB5Nmc2SRDhTQtTo5RK4rGqH47sFdpdl8P7XQFxQlpo-SHmKipMOBOoERqe2SamiQpjV09mkLVA7XEHbUjNO9XSRe4YQ1KTB4SPCV8oZLZtLY-vSiFg=&c=G-CYyz4SAjx8DDafI8XVlXILITbvnWRgGjHQk7H3azC3nol139A8jA==&ch=5amfF_ldtu08ab_JoQ5sIWrL_ZTrHHR6FRgbtn80cgndsVVKPViE5g==].
No, we are not wealthy. Like you, we make sacrifices for the causes that mean the
most and invest strategically in long term change to support a culture of life,
and one that makes life better.
We are dedicated to the mission, goals and objectives of Feminists for Life because
all women deserve better than abortion and every child deserves life. No exceptions.
If you have a corporate matching gift program, please send in your form with your
gift or better yet make your tax-deductible gift online and mail the form to FFL,
PO Box 320667, Alexandria, VA 22320.
And vitally important are monthly donors who provide core support. New or increased
monthly gifts will be double-matched!
When our speakers are willing to stand up for life, when the students we serve won’t
back down, please demonstrate that you stand with them by making your single and/or
monthly gift online right now [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001zAvU4SzJejgRjge9ZnH5KUa8yE1yh4SlQ8ed_Ka_o3W6qmlN-ic8nvQQThJIm3Dd8p5h3A5tPIlIAdjbR8UfrRyytB5Nmc2SRDhTQtTo5RK4rGqH47sFdpdl8P7XQFxQlpo-SHmKipMOBOoERqe2SamiQpjV09mkLVA7XEHbUjNO9XSRe4YQ1KTB4SPCV8oZLZtLY-vSiFg=&c=G-CYyz4SAjx8DDafI8XVlXILITbvnWRgGjHQk7H3azC3nol139A8jA==&ch=5amfF_ldtu08ab_JoQ5sIWrL_ZTrHHR6FRgbtn80cgndsVVKPViE5g==].
Thank you.
Because women deserve better,
Cindy Pacewic Brown
Chair of the Board
Women Deserve Better is a registered trademark of Feminists for Life of America.
Feminists for Life of America is a 501©3 nonprofit. Membership contributions and
donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
For more information, go to http://www.feministsforlife.org/support/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001zAvU4SzJejgRjge9ZnH5KUa8yE1yh4SlQ8ed_Ka_o3W6qmlN-ic8nvQQThJIm3Dd8p5h3A5tPIlIAdjbR8UfrRyytB5Nmc2SRDhTQtTo5RK4rGqH47sFdpdl8P7XQFxQlpo-SHmKipMOBOoERqe2SamiQpjV09mkLVA7XEHbUjNO9XSRe4YQ1KTB4SPCV8oZLZtLY-vSiFg=&c=G-CYyz4SAjx8DDafI8XVlXILITbvnWRgGjHQk7H3azC3nol139A8jA==&ch=5amfF_ldtu08ab_JoQ5sIWrL_ZTrHHR6FRgbtn80cgndsVVKPViE5g==]
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