Walk in the Shoes of Your Feminist Foremothers: Major Events Across the US...


Walk in the Shoes of Your Feminist Foremothers:
Major Events Across the US to Commemorate the 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade and
Doe v. Bolton
Thursday, January 14
If you missed FFL President Serrin M. Foster’s interview on SeriusXM Radio Channel
129 with Father Matt Malone and Kerry Weber as they discuss her recently published
speech, “ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uHUi_KexM3oSwwYYauRIyVmKTZ5HBDh_jD3nZk2Ii0CyKwZDQL5LA19RcIsOxHtKbRisQC72UOwb-uvRERQl4knhf_MeDXGH6ZDMAzqSuPupZSrE08Vfw1KLU2cp_rmTcqfZnjnu-rUJtZ25yBxIdscFs848m_u5nNsdCKg-ngyj4kMGDEobFxtQta8mOIbBweUuR5_MHQdBIBjQtBEos98ql1EG864b&c=FzpIMyhsTlHKb6NokV5TXDFSVtw2gyX5EzVNq4JrVq6zT-n3ig3Rug==&ch=ekNMLgRuXmnWgZRTbSTXCU49EKoWu8u1Bk-orQXOdd850lCWWNS7tA==]The
Feminist Case Against Abortion [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uHUi_KexM3oSwwYYauRIyVmKTZ5HBDh_jD3nZk2Ii0CyKwZDQL5LA19RcIsOxHtKbRisQC72UOwb-uvRERQl4knhf_MeDXGH6ZDMAzqSuPupZSrE08Vfw1KLU2cp_rmTcqfZnjnu-rUJtZ25yBxIdscFs848m_u5nNsdCKg-ngyj4kMGDEobFxtQta8mOIbBweUuR5_MHQdBIBjQtBEos98ql1EG864b&c=FzpIMyhsTlHKb6NokV5TXDFSVtw2gyX5EzVNq4JrVq6zT-n3ig3Rug==&ch=ekNMLgRuXmnWgZRTbSTXCU49EKoWu8u1Bk-orQXOdd850lCWWNS7tA==],”
“America This Week” Get ready for Roe. Hear a portion of the interview on [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uHUi_KexM3oSwwYYauRIyVmKTZ5HBDh_jD3nZk2Ii0CyKwZDQL5LA9LnU4kOWs4JCLycUmoVdOTEvL6BB9FGoDrlAZEtz4ZsBzMKoCfmK5jR8EwVONJq-HyR2byzKqKV666amabvjuRv0eoLh9rbbmuZ23CvS80OqIAv9Dfz9-kCQ_BFY0irNrU0rLIccBCC&c=FzpIMyhsTlHKb6NokV5TXDFSVtw2gyX5EzVNq4JrVq6zT-n3ig3Rug==&ch=ekNMLgRuXmnWgZRTbSTXCU49EKoWu8u1Bk-orQXOdd850lCWWNS7tA==]America’s
podcast [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uHUi_KexM3oSwwYYauRIyVmKTZ5HBDh_jD3nZk2Ii0CyKwZDQL5LA9LnU4kOWs4JCLycUmoVdOTEvL6BB9FGoDrlAZEtz4ZsBzMKoCfmK5jR8EwVONJq-HyR2byzKqKV666amabvjuRv0eoLh9rbbmuZ23CvS80OqIAv9Dfz9-kCQ_BFY0irNrU0rLIccBCC&c=FzpIMyhsTlHKb6NokV5TXDFSVtw2gyX5EzVNq4JrVq6zT-n3ig3Rug==&ch=ekNMLgRuXmnWgZRTbSTXCU49EKoWu8u1Bk-orQXOdd850lCWWNS7tA==]and
read her speech!!
Saturday, January 17
Join thousands for the OneLife LA, first-ever large scale event celebrating the
beauty and dignity of every human being from conception to natural death in Downtown
Los Angeles. Come early and pick up your FREE FFL placard and declare to the world
“Women Deserve Better® than Abortion” and “Peace Begins in the Womb.” http://onelifela.org/
Sunday, January 18

Thousands of Midwesterners will gather at Federal Plaza for the March for Life Chicago.
It starts at 2 PM but please arrive early to receive your free FFL “Women Deserve
Better than Abortion” and “Peace Begins in the Womb” placards as you affirm the
dignity of women and the gift of every child at the largest pro-life event in Illinois.

Thursday, January 22
On the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions, meet and March
for Life with FFL at the largest pro-life rally in the country. Look for FFL at
14th Street and Madison–near the starting point for the March [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uHUi_KexM3oSwwYYauRIyVmKTZ5HBDh_jD3nZk2Ii0CyKwZDQL5LA9LnU4kOWs4JLcmSVl0T4NyCMgjQzqGOflx6Qdd2CD3YbFTKEcgwq0gDcg3m5lC98sz3V-IMzzvdeb0T0wqj-51IpLa5xpi4G0ek2MLlupI729UioKk3ZZOeMs44B9x2iwzS6SgJv2e8taaiv_qVlJY7lEDGoNiR5sTgrn2AI4iZyIlZrSE0PFaT6hAT9pgR7vx3gTI3pDtWZCPVyANqWXbn3OAC5iXG77agHCC2oL4QpliEU-4J6QxWL4v6R03TQUTrsF4TemiDYRS8sem1HDe1EvakJU5rIh32Gpdt-0o9xtcqd3Fi9BUOlRFwSQiwX9L06Tm5ZM_L&c=FzpIMyhsTlHKb6NokV5TXDFSVtw2gyX5EzVNq4JrVq6zT-n3ig3Rug==&ch=ekNMLgRuXmnWgZRTbSTXCU49EKoWu8u1Bk-orQXOdd850lCWWNS7tA==].
We also really need volunteers to help distribute placards and take turns holding
our banner! Contact info@feministsforlife.org [mailto:info@feministsforlife.org]
to meet and march with us at the mall of our Nation’s Capitol. If you can’t join
us on the Mall, watch for us on EWTN for live coverage and hears us on SiriusXM,
the Catholic Channel.

Friday, January 23 (MD) and Sunday, January 25 (CA)

FFL Vice President Sally Winn will speak at Students for Life of America’s National
Conference–East Coast in Maryland on Friday and also at SFLA’s National Conference
on the West Coast in San Francisco on Sunday! Every student will receive “Pro-Woman
Answers to Pro-Choice Questions in their welcome kit. Visit our booth for more FREE
activist materials!! Registration required. Go to: http://sflalive.org/home/schedule/

Saturday, January 24
Students, facutly, clergy and activists are urged to attend the Cardinal O'Connor
Conference at Georgetown University. Register now. http://cardinaloconnorconference.com/2015-conference/registration

Saturday, January 24
Come early to the Walk for Life West Coast and pick up your FREE FFL "Women Deserve
Better than Abortion” placard which reads “All People Are Equal. All Choices Are
Not.” Then go to the FFL booth and meet FFL Board Member Patrick A. O'Kane, (our
immediate past Chair of the Board), and our other volunteers at our booth at the
Walk for Life West Coast. If you are able to help Pat distribute materials at the
FFL booth, please contact info@feministsforlife.org [mailto:info@feministsforlife.org].
If you can’t make it to the walk, watch for us on EWTN for live coverage.
Our thanks to our volunteers and donors for supporting and attending these events–and
for underwriting our new placards for events in LA, Chicago and Washington DC (and
last year at San Francisco!)
With every step we take, we walk in the shoes of our feminist foremothers who were
pro-woman and pro-life!

Women Deserve Better, The American Feminist, and Remarkable Pro-Life Women
are a registered trademarks of Feminists for Life of America.
Feminists for Life of America is a 501©3 nonprofit.
Membership contributions and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed
by law.
For more information, go to http://www.feministsforlife.org/support/ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001uHUi_KexM3oSwwYYauRIyVmKTZ5HBDh_jD3nZk2Ii0CyKwZDQL5LA6OXHeJL-sZT-PZBNa2Vc1hfwMAhg_9YwFBYXrEv5zibCc1HsmX1whoh82fFZan5quJvM6Dv_xl_rF7XQQBfnE27huQ1euYrd1a_74YVRnQzKNMArNt6YzVhGmA8MYeZYx2ts3Fj3AqS5-78DyR3PHw=&c=FzpIMyhsTlHKb6NokV5TXDFSVtw2gyX5EzVNq4JrVq6zT-n3ig3Rug==&ch=ekNMLgRuXmnWgZRTbSTXCU49EKoWu8u1Bk-orQXOdd850lCWWNS7tA==]

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